
Years ago, my dear friend Saara had a small pillow-making operation with a clever name: Get Down. I was lucky enough to receive a pair of pillows made with a vintage floral silk on one side and a lovely blue taffeta on the other for on my birthday one year. I am sad to say that the floral silk has faded terribly over the years, and the blue taffeta has simply worn away on the corners.

I love this quilt, too. I bough it from Lesley Vance and Ricky Swallow at a yard sale. This beautiful floral print is actually the back side. The front is a patchwork of navy blue, oxblood, and cream wool gabardine squares. But I was ready for a change, and I figured I'd better do something to protect the pillows before it was too late.

My family gave me a wonderful Pendleton blanket last year at Christmastime, so I wanted to use it on my bed. I made some pillow covers out of a red calico with little blue and brown flowers, and my bedroom suddenly felt like a new place.

We will make custom pillow covers for you with the fabric and closure of your choice. Covers start at $40 per pair for ones like the calico ones pictured above. Please contact us to place an order: friendsandrelations@gmail.com

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